Search Alaska's Smoke-Free Housing Database

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Everyone has the RIGHT to breathe

clean, smoke-free air.

There is no RISK-FREE level

of secondhand smoke exposure, even brief exposure can be dangerous.

65% of the air in multi-unit housing

is being exchanges with other units in the building.

Living in a smoke-free environment is one of the best
ways to protect health and save lives.

Whether you are a tenant concerned about secondhand smoke exposure
in your building or a property owner interested in implementing a smoke-free policy,
this website has the information and resources to help you.

Property Owners

Housing providers throughout Alaska are
adopting smoke-free policies and realizing the
amazing benefits that come with it.  Find resources
on the implementation and enforcement as well
as sample leases, surveys and tenant
communications to help you successfully go


Secondhand smoke exposure in multi-unit dwellings such as apartments and condominiums is unfortunately both a
common problem and dangerous for you and your family. A 100% smoke-free building is one where smoking is prohibited anywhere on the premises.
Secondhand smoke exposure in multi-unit
dwellings such as apartments and
condominiums is unfortunately both a
common problem and dangerous for you
and your family. A 100% smoke-free
building is one where smoking is
prohibited anywhere on the premises.
Alaska Smoke-Free Housing
A Buzzworthy Site