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Take Down Tobacco Day

(An internal update decided it wanted to save the an older version of this webpage.) March 31st marks the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ Take Down Tobacco Day. The theme for 2023 revolves around the tobacco industry being jokers who gamble with people’s lives. It highlights marketing efforts from the tobacco industry that may be deceiving….


Save Your Vision Month

(An internal update decided it wanted to save the an older version of this webpage.) March represents Save Your Vision Month. Save Your Vision Month is lead by the American Optometric Association. It raises awareness on how optometrists are important providers for eye health. They are also an important part of a person’s preventive healthcare…


Heart Health Month

(An internal update decided it wanted to save the an older version of this page). February is Heart Health Month. Smoking can negatively impact your heart health. So we’re going to talk a little bit about it here. Did you know that when you breathe, your lungs take in oxygen and then deliver oxygen to…


Keep America Beautiful Month

Image source: Butts Cigarettes Waste – Free photo on Pixabay Cigarette Statistics1,2 Cigarettes were the most littered individual item in America in 2020, accounting for 19.6% of all littered products There was a decline in the amount of littered cigarette butts from 2009 to 2020 Cigarettes were more littered than all metal, glass, and organic…


Month of the Military Child

Did you know that April is the Department of Defense’s Month of the Military Child? This is a month to celebrate the young people who are connected with the military. The theme for 2023 is “Taking Care of Our Military Children.” According to the DOD, there’s about 1.6 million military children. Military families move on…


Neighborly Support: Weedless Wednesday

Weedless Wednesday is part of Canada’s Nonsmoking Week. Weedless Wednesday is where the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control encourages smokers – tobacco and cannabis – to not use for 24 hours. Marijuana Use in Alaska2 7% of high school students currently use marijuana while about 41.7% said they’ve tried it. The lifetime youth use increased…


E-Cigarettes for Parents: What You Should Know

This post aims to educate parents, caregivers, and others about vaping (e-cigarettes). The emphasis is around youth use. Why? Over 3 million middle and high students use tobacco. E-cigarettes are the most popular product among them.1   Source: UNDO (Flavored Tobacco | Hiding in Plain Sight (can you spot this teen’s vapes?) – YouTube) Tobacco…


Native American Heritage Month

Due to some technical difficulties, we’re reposting some old blogs. November is Native American Heritage Month. This month is dedicated to their culture and heritage. This will highlight information around commercial tobacco use among Alaska Natives. Some information on American Indians is included as well. Source: Alaska Native Heritage Center. Map represents the Indigenous People…

Alaska Smoke-Free Housing
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