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COPD and Lung Cancer Awareness Month Part 3: Take Action

November is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Lung Cancer Awareness Month Awareness Month. Both diseases can affect anyone. However, smoking is a primary cause of each. This is why it’s particularly important for those who smoke to quit smoking and to avoid environments where people are exposed to secondhand smoke.

Part 1 focused on COPD while Part 2 focused on Lung Cancer. This post will focus on strategies to address them.

So what can you do to prevent COPD and Lung Cancer?

  • If you smoke, quitting is best thing you can do for your lung health.
    • If you’re ready to quit you can
    • If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Check out this page if you want to help someone quit smoking.
      • These are great tips if you smoke and are wanting to support someone in their efforts to quit.
    • Parents and caregivers can check out Live Vape Free to get support and tools for vaping among youth.
    • Support or adopt smokefree environments.
      • Property managers and residents of multiunit housing can reach out to to learn more about smokefree housing policies.
    • Test for radon in your home or building. Click here for more information on radon.
    • Be aware of the hazards of chemicals and other pollutants. Click here for more information on these hazards.
    • Get screened. Check out the Saved by the Scan to see if you should be screened for lung cancer.
    • Get involved with LUNG FORCE


LUNG FORCE is a nationwide initiative led by the American Lung Association to united women and men to stand together against lung cancer. We work to improve awareness of lung cancer and be a force that changes the facts.

You can participate by:

  • Sharing your story on how lung cancer has impacted you or a loved one
  • Advocate for lung health issues
  • Signing up to receive the latest news on the fight against lung cancer and for lung health

Check out About LUNG FORCE | American Lung Association for more information.


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